The name ThistleDew came from my parents.
They owned a boat when I was young and that is the name they gave it.
"Thistle" (sounds like) This will....and "Dew" (sounds like) Do. Hence...This will do!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ron's Hearts

I attended my first Guild Meeting last Saturday the 5th. Ron Lehocky did a demo of his beautiful hearts:

You may have seen Ron's work featured in Polymer Clay Daily.

He also has two of his pieces in Donna Kato's book "The Art of Polymer Clay Creative Surface Effects."

For those of you that have never been fortunate enough to have met Ron he is one talented man! Our Guild is very blessed to have him.

*to view a better picture of Ron's Hearts please go to my Flickr account and click on (all sizes)....this picture just doesn't do them justice... :)